
The beauty of 2 state enums

The .NET type system already has a type for 2 states, it is of cause the Boolean. So why would I want to make a custom type?

Lets look at some code.

   1: var export = new SchemaExport(_cfg);
   2: var sb = new StringBuilder();
   3: TextWriter output = new StringWriter(sb);
   4: export.Execute(true, false, false, null, output);

The code above is from NHibernate, more specifically it is NHibernates schema export.

The documentation looks like the following.

public void Execute(bool script, bool export, bool justDrop, System.Data.IDbConnection connection, System.IO.TextWriter exportOutput)
    Member of NHibernate.Tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport

Executes the Export of the Schema in the given connection

script: true if the ddl should be outputted in the Console.
export: true if the ddl should be executed against the Database.
justDrop: true if only the ddl to drop the Database objects should be executed.
connection: The connection to use when executing the commands when export is true.  Must be an opened connection. The method doesn't close the connection.
exportOutput: The writer used to output the generated schema

This method allows for both the drop and create ddl script to be executed.  This overload is provided mainly to enable use of in memory databases. It does NOT close the given connection!

Now I don't necessarily remember method signatures all to well. So custom type too the rescue, or rather custom enum too the rescue.

   1: public enum Script
   2: {
   3:     OutputToConsole,
   4:     NoConsoleOutput
   5: }
   6: pulic enum Export
   7: {
   8:     ExecuteScriptAgainstDatabase,
   9:     DontExecuteAgainstDatabase
  10: }
  11: public enum DDL
  12: {
  13:     DropOnly,
  14:     CreateAndDrop
  15: }
  16: export.Execute(Script.OutputToConsole, Export.DontExecuteAgainstDatabase, DDL.CreateAndDrop, null, output);

Another alternative is to make several methods that can be named, or create a class that takes the arguments as properties, so that they can be optional.


Using NHibernate and SQLite on x64

If you are using a x64 OS, and have a reference to System.Data.SQLite and NHibernate throws exceptions like these:

  • NHibernate.HibernateException : Could not create the driver from NHibernate.Driver.SQLite20Driver, NHibernate, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=aa95f207798dfdb4.
  • NHibernate.HibernateException : The IDbCommand and IDbConnection implementation in the assembly System.Data.SQLite could not be found. Ensure that the assembly System.Data.SQLite is located in the application directory or in the Global Assembly Cache. If the assembly is in the GAC, use <qualifyAssembly/> element in the application configuration file to specify the full name of the assembly.

It most likely because SQLite is not a managed dll, it is compiled to a specific CPU.

System.Data.SQLite does not change this behavior since it is just a wrapper and container for the unmanaged dll.

The easiest way to fix this is to change the platform target under build properties of the Visual Studio project to x86.


Another alternative is to choose the x64 version of System.Data.SQLite, but if the same source code is used on both x86 and x64 it is not option.